11th Airborne Standing Orders

Standing Orders for all 11th Air Assault MILSIM Members of the NFG Gaming Community

The Standing Orders are a list of published directives; originated by the HMFIC's and the 11th Airborne Division Commander; and is binding upon all personnel of the 11th Airborne Division, the purpose of which is to enforce a policy or procedure unique to the MILSIM unit's situation which is not otherwise addressed in applicable service regulations, military law, or public law. A standing order has the force of law; it is an offense punishable by court martial or lesser military court to disobey one. What makes it a standing order (as opposed to a direct order), is that the actor is not explicitly named, nor precisely that (or whom) which is to be acted upon.

Standing orders are necessarily general and vague since the exact circumstances for execution occur in the future under unknown conditions. For example, in most military agencies there is a standing order for enlisted men to salute officers. The officers are required by the same law to return the salute to the enlisted person; however, the name of each enlisted man is not explicitly named in the order, nor is the name of each officer, nor is the exact time which the salute should occur.

The following is a numbered list of all Standing Orders of the 11th Airborne Division. These orders apply to all members of the unit regardless of any rank, positions, or game the member belongs to.

Standing Order One

Unethical Game Play (Cheating)

I will not engage in any form of cheating and will not tolerate those who do.

Standing Order Two

NFG Gaming and 11th Airborne Servers

I will abide by all established game specific Rules of Engagement while playing within all NFG Gaming and 11th Airborne Servers. I will obtain proper authorization before using any of the Training or Testing Servers for other activities and understand that a Training Evolution or Testing Session always has priority in those servers. I will not utilize the NFG and/or 11th Airborne tag when naming a private server without obtaining proper authorization.

Standing Order Three

Clan Tags

I will wear my NFG or 11th Airborne clan tags in all servers regardless of area of operation or if game is supported by the Unit (exception being Massively Multiplayer Online Roleplaying games, often called MMORPG or MMO's).

Standing Order Four


I will attend all required meetings, trainings, and any other scheduled official events or will inform, in advance, the appropriate command (PM) of my absence.

Standing Order Five

Server Administration

I will ensure that the Rules of Engagement are followed by all members and server guests, and will enforce them per the established administration guidelines (or will report the violator to the appropriate personnel in the event that action cannot be taken).

I will obtain a visual confirmation of a reported violation prior to taking action per the established administration guidelines (only exception is if verbally reported by a superior rank).

I will consider all orders issued via in-game chat as invalid until auditory confirmation is obtained through the NFG Gaming Teamspeak server.

Standing Order Six


I will refrain from engaging in discussion or debate of political or religious subject matters in any NFG Gaming owned public medium (any forum or public Teamspeak channels).

Standing Order Seven

Military Courtesy

I will observe military courtesy at all times and will address, either by rank or sir, those members with superior rank.

Standing Order Eight

Unit Dedication

I will not belong to another FPS unit/clan while a member of the 11th Airborne Division MILSIM Unit.

Standing Order Nine

Donation Notification

I will notify the HMFIC Team and my 11th Airborne Division Unit Commander, via PM, when making a donation to NFG Gaming and any of it's donation initiatives and provide the necessary identification information, as requested.

Standing Order Ten


I will put forth my best effort to recruit individuals in our 11th Airborne and/or NFG Gaming servers who demonstrate by their play and behavior the core values of our community.

I will not recruit within non NFG Gaming and/or 11th Airborne servers.

Apr 5, 2018
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